Second EXPERTISE Summer School 2019 – Samara Aerospace University
The second EXPERTISE Summer School 2019 took place in Samara National Research University, in Russia.
Over the period of three weeks (from July 14th to August 4th) we had the opportunity to achieve new fundamental knowledge and skills in (I) Aircraft Engines Construction, (II) Friction and Wear, (III) Engine’s blade, disk and rotor dynamic.
During the first week, we learned a lot about different Aircraft Engines schemes. The lectures were very interactive. In Samara University samples of aircraft and rocket engines are collected and they can be viewed, touched and one can figure out the details of their construction. It was very exciting and interesting for us to be able to look closely at so many engines. All our curiosities were fully satisfied!
The peculiarity of these three weeks was in fact that we could not only get full theoretical information but practical experience as well.
The second week was dedicated to the study of friction and wear characteristics.
In particular, we studied contact problems in engine parts and the different approaches for solving them and the tribomechanical techniques for improving the materials wear resistance.
Finally, the third week was focused on engine’s blade, disk and rotor dynamic. It was also characterized by practical work. We had the possibility to visually determine, with the help of sand figures, the natural frequencies and the corresponding vibration modes of the blade, disk and bladed disk.
During the Summer School we had also the occasion to share challenging research ideas with other colleagues from Russia and other countries and establish international collaborations.
Furthermore, we had the great opportunity to discover Samara and the Russian culture. Samara is situated in the southeastern part of Russia, on the left bank of the Volga and it is one of the most significant space industry centres in Russia. It was the primary manufacturing hub that built the Vostok rocket, in which Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space!
We also visited the Cosmic Samara Museum with his Soyuz's rocket in at just 55 meters, the same as the building itself and the Samara University Museum.
All the ESRs working on W1 (F. Tubita, R. Tamatam, A. Fantetti) and W3 (S. Arul, J. Blahoš, A. Sudhakar), who attended the Summer School, are grateful to EXPERTISE and the Samara University for this great experience!
Спасибо, до свидания!