ESR5 - Experimental Dynamic Substructuring for the identification of blade-to-blade interface dynamics

Recruiting Institution/Company: Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)

PhD awarded by: Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Germany)

Objectives: This project is focused on modelling and identification of the dynamics of jointed interfaces in a turbine assembly using methods from Experimental Dynamic Substructuring, i.e. coupling and decoupling procedures. Decoupling approaches bypass the problem that a direct measurement of the interface dynamics is not possible and identify the unknown joint behavior from assembly measurements by subtracting the dynamics of the single components. The extracted interface dynamics are used to identify and validate different modeling approaches for joints in high-fidelity turbine finite element assemblies.

Expected Results: The outcome of the project will be: (i) substructuring methods for the identification of interface dynamics, (ii) a validated approach for the modelling of contact interface for turbine assemblies

Planned secondment(s):
GE-GRC: Understanding the current practice in turbines design and modeling.
POLITO: measurements with two shrouded blades.
METU: feasibility study on the application of the methods for inter-stage connections

Work package


Early Stages Researcher

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