ESR1 - Damping and shakedown of frictional contacts in partial slip
ESR2 - Multi-physics reduction approach for nonlinear complex interfaces
ESR3 - Effect of wear on the dynamics of structures with friction contacts
ESR4 - Testing based parameterization of contact and friction
ESR5 - Experimental Dynamic Substructuring for the identification of blade-to-blade interface dynamics
ESR6 - Nonlinear Identification of Bolted Joints
ESR7 - Numerical and Experimental Forced Response of mistuned bladed disks with Friction Dampers
ESR8 - Optimization and highly parallel implementation of domain decomposition based solvers for water – turbines simulations
ESR9 - Parallel scalability of the computation of quasi-cyclic turbine models using FETI-type methods
ESR10 - Large scale nonlinear modelling and simulation of whole engine models
ESR11 - Highly parallel solvers for contact problems with friction
ESR12 - Offloading I/O from task-based programming models
ESR13 - Integration of storage and programming models for Exascale applications
ESR14 - Offloading of collective I/O tasks in Message Passing Models
ESR15 - I/O Optimization using NVRAM as both Memory and Persistent Storage